Tell Your Story…and Practice Telling Stories

Tell Your Story…and Practice Telling Stories

Good Morning Everyone!

I am doing my homework while I’m typing this for you today.

You see, yesterday I started a Power of Storytelling course led by my friend and colleague, Ellen Finkelstein. She’s a Master Microsoft MVP Powerpoint Trainer (one of only 17 in the US).

I’m always working to UP my skills and her course came at the perfect time for me. I’ve been studying how Email Marketing is MUCH more effective if you can send people STORIES instead of simple pitches.

But the problem for me was – although other IM folks would tell me the power of stories – I couldn’t find any stats on it as relates to Email Marketing. 

(I’m kinda a geek for facts when I’m trying to justify parsing my study time … there’s SO much to learn!)

Well, Ellen’s research showed that “Stories are 22 TIMES more memorable than Facts Alone.”

WOW… I was impressed!

So, I signed up and – by writing this – I just did my homework and told you a Story. Pretty cool, huh?

AND now here’s a challenge for you.

Tell YOUR STORY here in our Private Facebook Group. And here’s a HINT.

You’ve got a LOT of Stories…as all of us have.

Ellen asked me, as another assignment, to write down a few of “my most important life experiences that made me what I am today.”

And then I saw it, the acronym for “Most Important Life Experiences” is M-I-L-E-S.

I’ve got a LOT of MILES on me (LOL) and wrote down 9 different MILES that all SHAPED me in significant and different ways.

So when I ask you to “Tell Your Story” you have several different MILES you could tell. 

So, which one of your MILES would you like to tell that is relevant to what YOU are still EMERGING into? 

What part of your Story are you still working on – or – could our Group help you figure out – or – do better?

Hey, do it to share…or do it to just practise telling your story. 

Either way you win.



Please Join & Share in our Closed Private Facebook Group

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